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About me

I enjoy hiking along coastal dunes, exploring diverse local flora, and observing the intricate dynamics of aeolian processes.

I am Dr. Carla Garcia-Lozano, professor at the University of Girona specializing in coastal dune ecosystems, its vegetation, morphology and management.

My work aims to understand how restored dune systems are affective, ensuring their resilience in the face of climate change.


I sudied dune landscapes of the Catalan coast, exploring their historical evolution and potential for restoration. I dessign geomorphological and ecological indicators to evaluate dune development potential and ecological health.


My work integrates remote sensing to monitor environmental changes and GIS-based analyses to assess the effectiveness of nature-based solutions in promoting dune restoration and resilience.


Letters Faculty
Department of Geography
Ferrater Móra Square
17004 - Girona, Spain Spain